Tonight at 7 Student Entertainment Committee will present what should be a most interesting and diverse program. First there will be the legendary Dion, who starts things rolling on the patio.
At 8 the crowd will adjourn to the Ibis for a reading by one of the Underground’s most distinguished poets, Ferlinghetti. At 9:30, back on the patio, the top band of Holland, the amazing Focus, takes over the spectacle with their particular brand of dynamic and exciting high-energy music.
While their yodel infested pile-driver “Hokus Pokus” is currently doing time on stateside radio. Focus is only now denting the shell of recognition that has eluded them so far in this country. However, in Europe and especially in England, this fine combo is one of the hottest groups around, having recently been dubbed “Most Promising New Group” by Britain’s prestigious Melody Maker newspaper.
Focus began their existence some four or five years ago as Brainbox and a couple of albums were issued under that name in the U.S. by Capital Records. Then came a reorganization within the group and with it a new name. As Focus they have had two stateside releases as well as a new double LP by the group and a solo record by leader Jan Akkerman (both were released recently for the European market).
Their latest American disc, MOVING WAVES (Sire Records), has already attracted them a small following on these shores, not only because of its inclusion of “Hokus Pokus” but mainly for the flashy, skillfully constructed instrumental composition contained throughout. Focus consists of Jan Akkerman on guitar and bass; Thijs van Leer with organ, mellotron, harmonium, flute, and piano; Cyriel Havermans on bass; and Pierre van der Linden on drums.
Dion is one of Miami’s favorite performers. Whenever “Teenager In Love” or “Runaround Sue” came over the radio waves in the late fifties, .....